
My Simple Life...

InterWeb ClutterBlog

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Need a coffee? Caffeine withdrawal?

I have been thinking of getting off the coffee. I'm not in a bad way over it, I just don't like that I need a caffeine fix before I can interact with anyone. The research is out there. Caffeine is a drug. In fact it is the most widely used mood-altering drug in the world. We just like it too much to admit that it has adverse effects on us.

Last week I ran out of coffee and couldn't get to a store for some of that irresistible nectar of life. After the first day my family was quite willing to go out and get some for me. Enough to last a long, long time.

How bad am I when I don't get my morning brew? A friend of mine routinely asks if I have had my coffee yet before breaking any bad news. Really, it's not like I need it. I could stop taking the stuff, if I wanted to. The first priority of the day for me is to have a drink. It just helps me to feel normal. Hmm... sounds familiar doesn't it? I can't place it though... Well all this coffee talk has got me shaking. I need a cup of Joe!