
My Simple Life...

InterWeb ClutterBlog

Monday, June 16, 2003

A new start

Well, here we are again not much new... Although I went to a pretty good kegger @ my friend Mary's on Friday night... A good time was had by all and nothing got too badly damaged... It seems weird to think that I wont be seeing many of the people from school any more, at least not on a daily basis... I will miss that for sure there were a lot of good people in my program (I wish you all well).

Saturday I went to my grandmothers birthday party very different than the previous nights endeavors but also very fun I had a chance to visit with my father face to face for a change and that was a treat as we usually only get to chat on line.

Sunday I was sick as a dog so I slept most of it away, Bern was great though, she she takes such good care of me when I'm ill.
today I had a job interview nothing special just a job, but the pay is all right for now... I hope I impressed the guy I could use the cash.