
My Simple Life...

InterWeb ClutterBlog

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Dodge Logo

Just a little similar eh? Wow I found this image at freudz wet dream and thought it was interesting. I wonder if the people at Dodge intended this imagery? If so it seems a little medical to me. Is their target market gynecologists?
Whether fact or fiction, the specter of subliminal messages is fixed in the public conscious.

Advertising itself is about creating associations between a product and a realm of desire. The standard definition of subliminal advertising limits it to conspiratorial visions of images secretly being embedded in advertising images and ignores the fact that advertising by definition, since the 1920s, moved away from talking about products themselves to the power of suggestion. In that sense, subliminal advertising is everywhere. (more)
Adweek Magazine

Also check out Adfreak

Monday, April 25, 2005

Save Toby

I am looking for a way to earn some extra cash. When I saw this I thought hey that's it I could do the same thing:
Toby is the cutest little bunny on the planet. Unfortunately, he will DIE on June 30th, 2005 if you Don't help.

I don’t want to eat Toby, he is my friend, and he has always been the most loving, adorable pet. However, God as my witness, I will devour this little guy unless I receive 50,000$ USD into my account from donations or purchase of merchandise.
There's only one problem... All I have is a cat.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Diaper Rash

I was a little concerned when I read this article by Sarah Hatten (
Cloth diapers contribute to water and air pollution due to the amount of water, energy and detergent used when machine-washing and drying. According to Environment Canada, washing a load or two of diapers each week is like flushing the toilet five times a day for one week. Detergents contain harmful phosphates and nitrates, and the use of washers and dryers results in greenhouse gases.
I use cloth on my baby and feel that the water usage and contaminates to our water are far less harmful to the environment than the waste produced by disposable diaper users and the production of the diapers themselves. I do try to reduce the harmful effects of laundering by saving up diapers for a full load. Don't forget the water used to wash my child's diapers is the same quantity of water that they'll use when flushing the toilet once potty-trained.

Hattens article does go on to offer the downside of disposable but I get the feeling that she is not being objective. Does Procter & Gamble advertise in Canadian Living? Lets be realistic Cloth will always be the most environmental way to go.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Pimp My Blog

I have really been trying to get my blog looking good. A lot of people think that looks aren't all that important for a blog—that it's all about content. I don't entirely disagree with that but will say looks matter. You may have the best posts out there but if your blog looks like crap will anyone stick around to read it? The answer is NO! It's like dating you want the whole package smart, sense of humor, good taste, oh yeah, and good looking. I don't want to have the blog with the nice personality.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Park Life

I went to Point Pleasant Park with my family on the weekend. We had a great day it was so nice out. We had a picnic in the park and toured around trails. After Point Pleasant we decided to walk home from there instead of taking the bus. We took our time stopping for a yard sale (Bern bought some coasters) and to rest at the Commons. There, Hawk touched his bare feet to grass for the first time ever; he liked it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

VW vs. Honda

VW drivers love there cars and hate yours. I can relate, I too drive a VW and love it dearly. I saw this Golf GTI on the streets of Halifax While I was out and about. It seems if your into tuning cars chances are you drive a Honda civic. I understand that there are a lot of products available to customize a Civic but why not be original to start with. I'm not saying that everyone should buy VW's and tune them. I would like to see more variety on the streets. I wonder if the driver of this VW shares my thoughts?

Monday, April 11, 2005


I have posted some more photos @ Clutterbuck Photography. One of these is of Bon Echo Rock, near Cloyne Ontario, it was taken from my campsite in Bon Echo Provincial Park. That was a really nice view to wake up to. I'll miss camping there, it's too far now that I'm in Halifax, but I look forward to discovering new spots near by.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Passports For All My Friends

I live in Nova Scotia and I have, in the past, used the U.S. as a short cut to and from Ontario. It looks like I will be going through Quebec the next time I make the trip by car. According to the CBC, The U.S. State Department announced that by 2007, most Canadians will need a passport to enter the United States, and Canada will probably start asking for the same thing since the system "has really always worked on the basis of reciprocity." This could be disastrous for both sides since vast numbers of people simply do not have passports and, I'm guessing, will not be willing to get them just so that they can pop over the border for a quick shopping trip, a ball game, or a long weekend once in a while. I know I won't just to shave an hour or two off the drive.
In response to a new rule requiring most Canadians to carry passports for entry into the U.S., Public Security Minister Anne McLellan said Americans may also have to carry the document to enter the country.(CBC)

It's too bad I enjoyed driving that way.

Good Bad Dog

A lot wine makers are marketing to a younger drinker. You can see many new wines out today with cartoony themes and humerous names. I for one like it. It takes that uptight serious image and makes it fun and lets face it drinking is fun! If your not an alcohalic of course... When I am having company over I try to pic a bottle that will be as fun as the people I chose to spend the evining with.

I recently tried Bad Dog Red, a French wine from Maurel vedeau.
Black cherry–plummy fruit with smoked meat, peppery and mineral character. Mid-weight, quite elegant, then youthfully chalky and dry. Best 2005 to 2007. (Toronto Life)
Well I don't know enough about wine to say that myself, but I do know that it was smooth and very easy to drink, I mean very... Be careful. If your not big on Reds give it a try maybe it will change your mind.