
My Simple Life...

InterWeb ClutterBlog

Sunday, February 26, 2006

We Love Coffee Here...

Weather Its Starbucks, Second Cup Tim Horton's or a special "home brew" the fact is we love our coffee.
In fact Coffee is making a come bake these days. I has overcame its bad rap as an unhealthy drug and many experts now are singing the praises of its health benefits. I like to do my best to be health conscious so I'm planning to increase my java consumption... May be I do get enough (shake shake).
I prefer brewing my own at home. I'm still trying to perfect the art and the science. For my every day consumption I use a drip machine with a screen style filter. I choose Maxwell House (its not my favorite but is very good for the price). For those special moments however I go all out. I use whatever specialty beans I have purchased. I shop around and have yet to get the same beans twice. I like PC Beans and Java Blend. Java blend offers some fair trade beans. I really like buying fair trade when I can. I always buy small quantities to ensure freshness. Grinding at the time of brewing is really the only way to go (even a hard core Tim's fan can tell the difference). I brew the coffee using a Bodum French press. The final step is imperative... Sit back with my wife and enjoy slowly.

Coffee Quiz

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Introducing the newest addition to ClutterBlog ClutterSearch. Special thanks to Google (Please don't sue me):-). So now you don't have to leave to search the web. I still need to do some tweaks here and there but I think it'll do for now.

Friday, February 17, 2006

New @ ClutterPhoto

Here's a new one for y'all @ ClutterPhoto.-----------> I really like this one... I usually don't don't do any digital edits on my photos but this just seemed to "click" :-) Hehe I love word-plays as much as puns. I'm a geek for sure (he says while posting in his blog).

Thursday, February 16, 2006

New Corporate Image

Not a lot has changed here... Aside from the name of course but ya know it all is relative. I have had awhile to get used to it. I'll tell you though it has been bloody expensive!

I'm just trying to get used to posting again here and elsewhere. Its hard with the Kid and the job. Real life sure interferes with the Blogworld.

B and I are going out on Saturday... First time in a while-wahooo! We aren't staying out late though no $$$ as usual... But hey it could always be worse.

Note: You may have noticed I dumped the Underground Weather link in my side bar in favor of some "Canadian Content".

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Name Has Changed But Not The Game

So I Finally did it I went out and changed my name. Whoa... it turns out it takes a while and costs alot. But here I am the new and Improved! And Blogging again aparently. I Wont be posting the same like I used to ----figger no one is reading anyhow --- mybe I will I don't know but I do know I'm back I think I thought I was befor but that was a fals alarm so... we'll see eh?